Other sites which may be of interest

Sadly the Robert Farnon Society came to an end in October 2013 and its magazine ‘Journal Into Melody’  will be sorely missed.

It is hoped that its WEB pages will continue so do keep checking here for the latest information:

 The Robert Farnon Society

The Light Music Society  - for all lovers of Light Music, especially British

Ray Conniff  -  if you like Percy Faith, odds are you also like Ray's music. Doug Mitchell's pages are well worth a visit and contain comprehensive listings.

Nelson Riddle fans should visit the official Nelson Riddle WEB pages.

One of the best MOR sites on the WEB is The Space Age Pop Music Standards Page - don't be put off by this title - and it also has lots of links to other interesting pages - well worth a visit.

Classic Themes from David Shields includes excellent biographies of Percy Faith, Robert Farnon, Leroy Anderson, David Rose, Nelson Riddle and many others and now has a new section - 'Classic US TV Themes'.

Searching for second-hand Recordings

If you are looking for second hand records and CDs then try the following - all three give access to hundreds of dealers world-wide

Most comprehensive is:


Close seconds are:




Who wrote that tune?

If you are interested in finding out who composed a particular piece of music, or discovering what else they have written, both ASCAP (American Society of Composers and Publishers) and BMI maintain on-line data bases which contain a wealth of information. Although both are American organisations, they contain much information about composers of other nationalities, including British.

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